Monday, August 31, 2015

Evidence Not Seen

This is an old book but a wonderful book! Darlene Diebler Rose tells her story of when she was a prisoner in a Japanese war camp during WWII.  Darlene and her husband, married only one year, went to be missionaries in Dutch New Guinea.  Her story is difficult and yet beautiful.  Her God makes known to her His presence, His word sustains her and she gets through a most horrible ordeal... brutal camp commanders, lack of food, sickness and more.

Let this book build your faith, as it educates you on WW II in the South Pacific. You will want to know more of Darlene's story, that she lost her husband and that she made it back to the states to later return again as a missionary. This book was the August 2015 selection for Delphi Public Library's Faith Book Club.
Submitted by Patsy Scott

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